Criminal Law

Your Results Matter!

Everton Dankuru Attorneys is dedicated to helping people facing all types of criminal charges get fair treatment and justice. Our Highly sought after Lawyers are concerned with protecting you and your rights and take pride in ensuring that we will always achieve the best possible outcome in the circumstances, whilst safeguarding you from injustice and mistreatment because we know that Your Results Matter!


Our Criminal Law Services Include:

24-hour bail applications at police stations (after-hours bail)
Criminal litigation
Driving under the influence of alcohol and other driving related crimes
Culpable homicide
Theft, fraud and other related crimes
Drug related crimes
Contempt of court
Malicious damage to property
Domestic violence
Formal bail applications at magistrate court and high courts
Plea Bargaining and sentence agreements
Appeal and Review process
Asset forfeiture process
Expungement of criminal record
Assisting individuals and corporations with investigating and initiating criminal prosecutions